Wednesday, April 25, 2012

8th grade: Art Tags

8th grade students created Art Tags from magazine images and words.  They layered images and used found images as symbolism.  Each student begain with a theme and created tags based on that theme. 

5th grade: Pointillism Animals

5th Grade students completed their intensive Pointillism lesson. They worked for many weeks on this lesson, which began by finding a magazine image of an animal.  Next, the image was photocopied and students measured and drew a 1/2" grid on the image.  Next they drew a 1" grid on drawing paper and began drawing their animal.  We discussed value and students created a value scale showing a full range from white to black.  Then the students used markers to copy the lights and darks (on their photocopy) onto their animal drawings. Lastly, students created a background using markers. 

6th, 7th, 8th grade sketchbook assignment

No sketchbook assignment.  This is a free week given so that you may make up any missing assignment or complete one for an improved grade. 

** Sketchbooks will be due again MAY 23, 2012 **


God is Good.  :)

6th Grade: Celtic Knots

Celtic Knots
Sixth graders learned about Celtic knots and their meaning around the St. Patrick's Day holiday.  We discussed St. Patrick and his mission as well as traditional christian symbols associated with the St. Patrick's Day holiday.  Each student created a unique knot using paper and X-Acto cutters. 

2nd Grade: Rainbows and Haiku Poems

Rainbows and Haiku Poems

Second graders created oil pastel artwork depicting an abstract landscape.  Students looked at a variety of landscape artwork.  They compared realistic landscapes with abstract landscapes.  Next students drew repeated lines to create their own abstract landscape and used oil pastels to create a day or night scene.  Lastly, students learned about the Japanese style of poetry called Haiku, which is made up of three simple lines.  Each line must follow the Haiku formula, which consists of counted syllables.  The first line contains 5 syllables, the second line contains seven, and the third line contains five. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18th & 20th sketchbook assignment

SKETCHBOOKS DUE! (6th, 7th, & 8th grade)
NO ASSIGNMENT this week.

Mrs. White

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

6th grade Sketchbook Assignments

Below are all the previous sketchbook assignments (up to April 4, 2012). New assignments will be posted after the Easter/Spring break.

  1. Friday Jan. 6: Face Studies: Draw several studies of your own eyes, nose, and mouth. Look closely in a mirror. Use details and draw what you see.

  2. Friday Jan. 13: Upside Down Drawing: Find a photo, either from a magazine or from home, and draw the picture upside down. This means your picture is upside down and you draw it that way. You will be using the right side of your brain and if you take your time and try to draw what you see upside down you will be surprised at the result!

  3. Friday Jan. 20: Magazine Drawing: Find a picture from a magazine or newspaper and cut it in half. Tape that into your sketchbook leaving room to draw on the cut side. Complete the picture using complete creative reign. You may use color. Turn a person into an alien. Or an object into a person. Be sure to connect lines so it looks like a realistic transition.

  4. Friday Jan. 27: Sketchbooks due. No assignment.

  5. Friday Feb. 3: No new assignment. Fix or make-up any assignment(s).

  6. Friday Feb. 10: Personal Still Life: Set up a still life (grouping of objects) using your personal artifacts. Draw your objects as you see them (overlapping, etc.) and your completed drawing must have: a) good composition (filling the entire sb page), b) dramatic light (set up a spot light, lamp, or even a candle and draw the shadows and dark areas), c) full range of value (lights and darks including white, black, and many grays in between).

  7. Friday Feb. 17: No school. No assignment.

  8. Friday Feb. 24: You are what you eat! Draw a burger with at least 8 different "ingredient" layers. Each layer should say something about who you are. For example, you might have a layer that illustrates/shows your favorite food (even though it is part of a burger, you can draw pizza). Or you might draw your favorite hobby (like to ride bicycles? Play video games? Draw a bicycle or draw an XBox or controller.). Be creative. Have fun. You may use color.

  9. Friday March 2: Sketchbooks due. No assignment.

  10. Friday March 9: No assignment. Fix/make-up any assignment.

  11. Friday March 16: No assignment.

  12. Friday March 23: No assignment.

  13. Friday March 30: Crumpled Paper Drawings: Crumple a piece of paper. Create three drawings OF that paper. You may turn the paper for a different view each time. Your drawings should be 15 minutes each. The first drawing should be a black and white pencil drawing. Be sure to draw a background (table, etc.) and use a full range of value (whites, blacks, and grays). The second drawing should be "negative" drawing where all of the whites will be black and the blacks will be white. The third drawing should be completed using color.

Sketchbooks are due Wednesday, April, 18, after Easter/Spring break.

Enjoy your break and Happy Easter!!

7th grade Sketchbook Assignments

Below are the previous sketchbook assignments (up to April 6, 2012). New assignments will be posted after the Easter/Spring break.

  1. Friday Jan. 6: Face Studies: Draw several studies of your own eyes, nose, and mouth. Look closely in a mirror. Use details and draw what you see.

  2. Friday Jan. 13: Upside Down Drawing: Find a photo, either from a magazine or from home, and draw the picture upside down. This means your picture is upside down and you draw it that way. You will be using the right side of your brain and if you take your time and try to draw what you see upside down you will be surprised at the result!

  3. Friday Jan. 20: Magazine Drawing: Find a picture from a magazine or newspaper and cut it in half. Tape that into your sketchbook leaving room to draw on the cut side. Complete the picture using complete creative reign. You may use color. Turn a person into an alien. Or an object into a person. Be sure to connect lines so it looks like a realistic transition.

  4. Friday Jan. 27: Sketchbooks due. No assignment.

  5. Friday Feb. 3: No new assignment. Fix or make-up any assignment(s).

  6. Friday Feb. 10: Personal Still Life: Set up a still life (grouping of objects) using your personal artifacts. Draw your objects as you see them (overlapping, etc.) and your completed drawing must have: a) good composition (filling the entire sb page), b) dramatic light (set up a spot light, lamp, or even a candle and draw the shadows and dark areas), c) full range of value (lights and darks including white, black, and many grays in between)

  7. Friday Feb. 17: No school. No assignment.

  8. Friday Feb. 24: You are what you eat! Draw a burger with at least 8 different "ingredient" layers. Each layer should say something about who you are. For example, you might have a layer that illustrates/shows your favorite food (even though it is part of a burger, you can draw pizza). Or you might draw your favorite hobby (like to ride bicycles? Play video games? Draw a bicycle or draw an XBox or controller.). Be creative. Have fun. You may use color.

  9. Wednesday Feb. 29: Sketchbooks due. No assignment.

  10. Wednesday March 7: No assignment. Fix/make-up any assignment.

  11. Wednesday March 14: No assignment.

  12. Wednesday March 21: No assignment.

  13. Wednesday March 28: Crumpled Paper Drawings: Crumple a piece of paper. Create three drawings OF that paper. You may turn the paper for a different view each time. Your drawings should be 15 minutes each. The first drawing should be a black and white pencil drawing. Be sure to draw a background (table, etc.) and use a full range of value (whites, blacks, and grays). The second drawing should be "negative" drawing where all of the whites will be black and the blacks will be white. The third drawing should be completed using color.

Sketchbooks are due Wednesday, April, 18, after Easter/Spring break.

Enjoy your break and Happy Easter!!

8th grade Sketchbook Assignments

Below are all the previous sketchbook assignments (up to April 4, 2012). New assignments will be posted after the Easter/Spring break.

  1. Friday Jan. 6: Self Portrait: Draw a detailed drawing of yourself. It can be a full body or face drawing.

  2. Friday Jan. 13: Confirmation Banner: Find 2 possible Bible verses for your Confirmation banner. Write the verses and draw a symbol to go with each.

  3. Friday Jan. 20: Confirmation Banner: Draw 2 sketches of possible Confirmation banner designs, one for each of your Bible verse choices. Be sure to draw the entire banner, including the following: name of church, Bible verse, your name, symbol(s), and other images. Label your materials and color choices.

  4. Friday Jan. 27: Sketchbooks due. No assignment.

  5. Friday Feb. 3: No new assignment. Fix/make up any assignment.

  6. Friday Feb. 10: Fears and Phobias: go to the website and check out the complete list of phobias. Illustrate a surreal (dreamlike) image of the most ridiculous phobia. You may use any materials.

  7. Friday Feb. 17: No school; no assignment

  8. Friday Feb. 24: Object Drawing: Find an object that is special to you. Draw that object for 5 consecutive days using a different media (material)/style for each drawing. Each drawing should be completed in 10-15 minutes.

  9. Friday March 2: Sketchbooks due. No Assignment

  10. Friday March 9: Nature Drawing: Find an object from nature. Draw the object three times using the following directions. Divide your paper into three sections. In the first section, draw your object (filling the space) with only pencil. In the second (or middle) section, draw the object using color (markers, pencils, crayons). In the third section, create an abstract (non-realistic) version of your object using any materials.

  11. Friday March 16: Rearview Mirror: From the back seat perspective, draw the front window of a car, realistically, using only pencils. In the rearview mirror (and/or side mirrors) draw a surreal world using color.

  12. Friday March 23: No Assignment

  13. Friday March 30: I Am: Choose 2 sentences and create a 2 page spread completing the sentences. You may use any materials.

a) At age 5 I was _____.

b) At age 10 I was _____.

c) At my present age I am _____.

d) At age 20 I will be _____.

e) At age 45 I will be _____.

f) At age 75 I will be _____.

Sketchbooks are due after Easter break, Friday April 20, 2012!!!

Enjoy your break and Happy Easter!