Tuesday, May 29, 2012

End of School!

Happy summer break to you all!  Enjoy the summer sunshine and easy days.  You are all great kids.  Best of luck to you.

8th grade:
Here's to much success with your upcoming high school years.  Keep your goals high and work diligently.  Be the very best person you can be.  Pray and keep your faith.  I've enjoyed teaching you all. 
Mrs. White

1 John 4:7  Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

7th grade sketchbook assignment

Design a CD cover for a musical artist or group (you may certainly make up a band or artist if you wish). Your design should be drawn as actual size, which is 5" x 5".  No smaller!  You may use any materials (watercolor, crayon, chalk, marker, ink, magazine images, newspaper images, etc.) for your design and color is great!  Remember to be neat, especially with your lettering.  :) BE CREATIVE and don't forget to add a background, no white paper!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

*Sketchbook RUBRIC and Information* Important

St. Paul’s Lutheran School
Grades 6-8



Criteria 1- Filling the Page:  The drawing fills the page and objects are well grounded in an environment/space (no floating objects).

10 - 9

8 - 7

6 – 5 – 4

3 – 2 - 1

Criteria 2- Value/Shading: The drawing is fully shaded and all values (ranging from white to black) are represented.  The drawing has high contrast.

10 - 9

8 - 7

6 – 5 – 4

3 – 2 - 1

Criteria 3- Realism/Interesting: The drawing has correct proportions, perspective, and details (realism).  It is drawn from an interesting perspective and student looked closely at the object or image.

10 - 9

8 - 7

6 – 5 – 4

3 – 2 - 1

Criteria 4- Time/Effort: Student appears to have spent a considerable amount of time on the drawing and gave great effort to make the drawing the best it can possibly be.

10 - 9

8 - 7

6 – 5 – 4

3 – 2 - 1

Sketchbook assignments are given weekly (at the most) and are written on the board in the art room for one week.  The Due Date is also listed on the board.  Also, each sketchbook assignment is listed on the art room blog, which you can refer to anytime you need.  

You should spend between 45-60 minutes a week on your assignment.  The purpose of a sketchbook is to make you look harder at things, use your imagination, and explore ideas and techniques that interest, challenge, and stimulate you.  You do not need to sit down for 45-60 minutes at a drawing session.  You can break it down into 10 minutes a day for 6 days, or whatever works for you.

Feel free to draw in your sketchbook any time you want!  Make your sketchbook personal and meaningful.  You may receive 5 points extra credit for each additional drawing (up to 20 points a week).  If you do have extra drawings in your sketchbook, PLEASE label your assignments so I can find them easily!! 

8th grade sketchbook assignment

THE KEYHOLE IS NOT IMPASSABLE (from Alice in Wonderland):
Create a detailed pencil drawing of a keyhole, including the coverplate (if there is one).  Add a lot of lights and darks (shading).  Make the drawing large enough so the keyhole becomes a window to a world.  What do/would you see through the keyhole?  The keyhole drawing should also contain many details and should be realistic (not abstract).  You may use color for the keyhole scene or mixed media.

6th & 7th grade sketchbook assignment

Draw the interior of a space.  Look closely and draw a lot of lights and darks (shading).  Try to find a unique or interesting place.  Some ideas: closet, carton of eggs, boots, baseball cap, your mom's purse, glovebox, inside a jar of peanut butter, bathroom cabinet, refrigerator/freezer, sewing box, jewelry box, etc.  The possibilities are endless. You may add color.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

8th grade: Art Tags

8th grade students created Art Tags from magazine images and words.  They layered images and used found images as symbolism.  Each student begain with a theme and created tags based on that theme. 

5th grade: Pointillism Animals

5th Grade students completed their intensive Pointillism lesson. They worked for many weeks on this lesson, which began by finding a magazine image of an animal.  Next, the image was photocopied and students measured and drew a 1/2" grid on the image.  Next they drew a 1" grid on drawing paper and began drawing their animal.  We discussed value and students created a value scale showing a full range from white to black.  Then the students used markers to copy the lights and darks (on their photocopy) onto their animal drawings. Lastly, students created a background using markers.